
We want your stories and poems! Are you an artist? Send us your work!

Sliver of Stone starts accepting submissions for Issue 18 on November 1st, 2018.
: Janvier 15, 2019.
Note: We consider artwork and photography on a rolling basis.

We require exclusive electronic rights for six months, the length of each current issue. We require nonexclusive electronic rights after the six month period is over to maintain complete issues in our archives. Contributors are paid in gratitude and admiration.


We’re interested in the following:

  • Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Essays (3,500 words or less).
  • Poetry, any form or genre (No more than 3 poems)
  • Visual art

Sliver of Stone accepts work in English.
Multi-authored works are not eligible.
No previously published works.
Simultaneous submissions are acceptable but we must be notified immediately should your work be accepted elsewhere for publication.


Please use our submission manager: Submit to Sliver of Stone
POETRY: Please DO NOT send more than 3 poems per reading period.
PROSE: DO NOT send another submission until we have responded to the first one.


If you are a visual artist and would like to have your work considered by Sliver of Stone, please send us a letter of introduction (pasted into the body of an email). Include the artist’s name, full address, phone and email, along with a short biography written in third person. Include both the title and the actual dimensions of each piece that has been photographed. Please indicate any additional links/gallery websites for our reference.

In the subject line of the email, please format like so: “ by [your name].”  Send these emails to <sliverofart(at)> (replace (at) with @).

We accept images attached as .jpg with a minimum 300 dpi resolution. Submit 4-6 photographs and/or 2-5 works of art. Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please notify us immediately upon acceptance elsewhere. Please do not send another submission until we have responded to the first one.

We consider artwork and photography on a rolling basis.


We consider each submission with care and integrity. Although it may take up to 6 months for us to reach an editorial decision, we’ll do our best to respond promptly to submissions and to general correspondence. After 6 months, please feel free to query.


  1. Margie Skelly says:

    Are you both an online and in print magazine?

    • Margie Skelly says:

      I am really confused. I tried to submit online but could not find any place where I was required to send an attachment. I went to Submissions Manager and could not proceed past the guidelines for all all genres. Are poets supposed to send their poems to the same email address that people send their art work to? Please advise, Margie Skelly

      • Hi Margie,
        On the Submissions Manager page, click on “Submit.” It might look like the page hasn’t changed but if you scroll down, you’ll see the different fields: Title, Cover Letter, Submission Content. We do not accept attachments for poetry. You’ll need to cut and paste. Thanks for submitting!

    • Hi Margie,
      We’re only online.

  2. Do you accept short plays?

  3. Sarah Parker says:

    Do you accept submissions from UK residents?

  4. Are you looking for flash fiction??

  5. I understand that for prose, one should wait to hear from you before submitting another piece of prose, but can one author submit in two genres simultaneously i.e one essay and one batch of 3 poems…is that allowed?

  6. Bryce Journey says:

    Suggestion: For poetry submissions, let writers upload files like the other genres. The cut and paste window doesn’t always keep the original formatting of a poem.

  7. Can you tell me when your next submission dates will be?

  8. Karen Zey says:

    Today, March 19, 2014, your submission guidelines indicate that January 15, 2014 was the deadline for submissions for Issue 8. Are submissions for fiction, non-fiction and essays now closed until October 2014?

  9. tamar gribetz says:

    Is there a maximum word number for short stories, or just essays?

  10. Hello. I just clicked on your “submit” and was sent to an empty page. Please let me know when your site is setup to receive submissions.

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